Tuesday 1 May 2018


Hello everyone,

This is the end of this adventure, but just for a while. I hope to come soon with new ideas to share with you.

In this post I want to tell you all what I have learned along this course.
When I started this jornal I was a disaster in the ICT world. I didn't even know how to create a blog. And look it now!
I think I have improved my digital competence a lot. It was hard in many moments and I get frustrated because I didn't know how to use a tool or I didn't know exactly what was the aim of the activity. Also the time to do the task sometimes ras against us.

The feedback in this subject was essential. Although sometimes it was a headache, without the corrections I could have never improved.

I have learnt how important is the privacy and that we should be sure that the images on the web are freely. 
Also I have use interesting tools such as Avachara, Canva and Genially (the one that I have used to create this last presentation)

I have reopen my twitter account and I have created a Youtube account. Both very useful to use in the classroom, to be updated, to share ideas with other, to upload information...

Also I have discovered AprendeIntef and all the online courses that we can do there.

And last, but not least, I have created a flip classroom. I have never heard before about it, and I think it is a great resource.

Nothing better than watch by yourself the video that I made explaining all what I did, with evidences and links to all the applications and websites that I have used.
To record the video I have used Screencast-o-matic which is an application that you have to download in your computer through which you can record your computer screen at the same time that you are talking. It it very easy to use.
However I had a lot of problems when I wanted to upload the video to Youtube, probably because of my computer or my Internet connection. So be sure that your Internet is working perfectly.

The video:

The genially presentation:


To conclude, I would like to say that this subject has been very worthwhile, everything we have done is very useful for our future and of course I will create a blog when I have my own class.
So thank you to my teacher María Jesús ( @mjgsm) for taught us.

See you soon.

Friday 27 April 2018


Hello everybody,

Today, I'm going to talk about my last ICT lesson. It was a different lesson because we didn't go to the university as always, we did a Webinar instead! 
And what is that? "A webinar is a live web-based video conference that uses the internet to connect the individual hosting the webinar to an audience, the viewers and listeners of the webinar from all over the world."
In this case, the webinar was called: "Mobile Learning and Digital Competence for Education" ands carry out by our teacher:  María Jesús García San Martín ( Twitter: @mjgsm). 
So we had to register in the conference with our personal information, and minutes after we get an email with the link to get in the webmaster. It was quite easy follow the steps and at 18:00 pm the conference started and we could watch María Jesús talking about many interesting things.

In this webinar she was explaining the different online training courses for teacher that you can find in AprendeINTEF where you can improve your digital competence.

The Intef courses can be divided into:
Noonintef: This courses take 3-4 hours 
Moocintef: Takes 3 or 4 weeks.
Spoocintef: Let the students learn when they can.

And probably, the different one Edupills. It is a micro-learning app for teachers, aimed at enabling teachers to acquire or develop digital skills in a simple and fast way. So you can learn anywhere using your tablet or mobile phone. All of we have a phone, so this one became very interesting.

At the end, María Jesús talked about the Portfolio for the Digital Competence of Teachers. We had already heard about the portfolio, so this was not new for us.
The Portfolio for the Digital Competence of Teachers is a digital service for certifying your competence. There you upload your digital competence evidences such us your blog, digital projects, badges...and you have to relate it with a level from the common framework. Like in the language competences, they are: A1,A2,B1,B2,C1,C2. So they have used the same references. 
The portfolio help you to know your digital competence level and also to certificate it.
We live in the technologies world, so I consider extremely important to have a certification of your digital level.

To conclude, in my opinion the webinar was quite interesting, not only because it was another way to have a lesson, also because I discover new interesting things about how to develop and improve my digital competence. I think that like we do with the languages, it is important to have a certification of your digital competence as well as to be updated and be aware on your own learning. In the time that we live now, and we as teacher, should keep training and knowing about the new resources that the technologies give us. So making this courses and using the portfolio are great opportunities to keep developing our competence.


Hey! How are you today?
I feel really excited because in this post I'm going to share with you a important moment of my life.
But before to watch the video I'm going to talk a little bit about "#twima 8".

With the project "The world is my audience" and the hashtag  #twima8 you can see interesting stories about others. Through FLIPGRID I recorded the video that you are gonna watch. FLIPGRID is a website, very intuitive where you can record and share your videos.

Telling a personal story about you, or a event from your past, as well as listening to others' stories, make us be closer, and connecting with other people even if you have never seen them in person or have a friendship with them. It makes us more human.

I enjoy doing this as much as watching the videos of my classmates. Although I usually get quite embarrassed of anyone can know and see aspects of my life, the truth is that I find it very interesting to share your experiences with others. We all like to hear other's stories, so why not do the same?

I like being part of this project with my classmates. It is a good idea to be connected around the world. I think it is something very motivating and it could be a great experience also for our students in the future.

Twitter is a interesting app to see and be updated in this kind os experiences. So here e left my tweet so others can watch my story and know about the project   #twima8

I hope to watch your stories soon ;)


Hello everyone!
Were you excited about my last post? The Storyboard entry.
Here I bring you our amazing video clip, are you ready?

But before to watch the video, I'm going to tell how we created it, where and which program do we use to edit it.

As I told you, the first step was make the groups. I was so excited to work with my team and carry out this project that we called "Girl power". The components of the group are:

We had all the dialogues, the scenes and the dress up ready so last week we didn't go to the university. Instead we went to the Ministry of Education. There we could find the "Future Classroom Lab" which is a classroom with a Chroma where we could record our scenes.

All the groups had to record their project and we were the last group, that was the worst part because it was late and we were stressed if we didn't have enough time to record everything.

The main idea of our project is to see the importance of the women around the history. To make it more interesting we decided to make conversations between the women, and we group them according to the topic. Cleopatra with Joan of arc, Marie Curie and Gracie Hopper, Frida Kahlo with Marilyn and Coco Channel, etc.
With this video, the students could work with different subject such as: history, arts, Science and Values. In this time we consider very important to educate in values, and through this video students can work with equality between men and women.

Once that the video was recorded we started to edit it. This part was a bit difficult and to help us we needed a Youtube Tutorial.
To make our video, we used the program VideoPad. This is a program that need to be download in your computer and then you can add pictures in the Chroma, letter, audios, cut scenes... It took us some hour and it was hard but after that we were happy with the result.

In general this was a great experience. We work in a team and we share all the ideas, we have to discuss different points of view but we get on well. Also, I have learned a lot about video edition, and I will use it in my future.
From an educational point of view, I think this is a great resource to use in the classroom. Firstly because it is fun and you can work in groups, which is very important because students have to discuss, share ideas, listen others points of view... And secondly because it is a different way of the traditional books. The students can watch the videos and through them, work with different subjects and develop a lots of contents. Last but not least they can create their own project. When you have to participate actively in something, find information, develop the topic...learning is much more productive. And we can not forget the digital skills that they are working on.

The objectives of this video are:

  • To know the importance of women through history.
  • To know some important women in history such us: Cleopatra, Marie Curie, Frida Kahlo, Naomi Parker, Joan of Arc, Grace Hopper, Marilyn Monroe, Teresa de Calcuta, Coco Channel and Malala Yousafzai.
  • To know what this women accomplish and why this accomplishments were important.
  • To understand that women and men are equals.
  • To get to know the life of this women.

So once that everything is explained, now...are you ready to watch the video?


Hope you like it.


In this post I'm going to start to share with you probably the funniest project that we have done during this weeks in the ICT world. But before to watch the project (this have to wait until the next post), I have to tell you the things that we made before: the storyboard.

Firstly we had to make work groups, and that was the good part. Work with your classmates is really interesting, you can share points of view and learn from others at the time that you are working with friends, and if the reason is to create something creative, useful and funny, what else do we want?

The aim is to create a video explaining something to our students, but befor,we had to create a storyboard.

Storyboards are the blueprints of a digital story which consists of drawings and notes in frames. Each frame represents a scene in the video story. Some storyboards are basic, only consisting of empty frames. Other storyboards require more details such as having learners outline the music, characters, dialogue, sounds, narration, transitions, script, lighting, special effects and scenery.
And that is what we did with ours.

So once that the groups had been done, we plan our topic and we decided to make it about importants women in the history.

If you want to know all the details and information about our storyboard, check it out at the following Doc:

If you can not see well de Doc you can also click here

Also, we share in Twitter some pictures of when we were planning the project with the hashtag #ictclil_urjc

In this picture we just have decided the topic

As I told you, you will have to wait until my next post to watch the result.

See you soon.

Sunday 15 April 2018


Hello everyone!
I´m here again with a new interesting resource to use in your classroom: podcasts.
Probably, for you it is the first time that you heard this word, like me. So I will try to explain in a very easy way what I'm talking about.

Firstly, What is podcast? Podcast is an activity that students can do in the classroom, which improves various skills and competences such as: digital competence, linguistic, teamwork, cultural, etc.

Why use podcast in our lessons?  Through podcast you can work with any topic and any subject in a different an entertaining way.

Who can use podcast? Everyone. Not only the teacher can use it, also de students, individually, in pairs or groups. They will make their own learning while they are developing various skills.

What podcasts can we create? We can use this resource to create a school radio or a place where students can upload and share their information and interests.

Now that you know a little bit more about podcasts, it is the time to tell you my project and how I created it.

To share and create your podcast you will need to create an account in a online platform. To do this I have used SoundCloud. It is very easy to use. There you can find different playlists depending on what you want to listen, they are categorised. Also you can upload different images to personalise you profile.
Once that you have your account, you will need to start creating your own material. To do this, I have use a programme that I download for free called Audacity. It is a intuitive program to record your audio. You need to press start and record what you want to say, pause, and so on.

Time to explain you my project! It is about music. I love music, I listen to music at every time and I think students love it. I also think that music is a good resource to use in the classroom, to improve the language,  to create a fun or relaxed atmosphere and also music help students to feel more confidents, to understand better the world around them, to develop their emotions... That's why I think it is very important and normally in our schools music doesn't have a relevant place.
To explain the project, I have created a document in Google Docs.
Below you can see my project:

This is my channel:

This is my welcome:

And here you can find some songs to reproduce in classroom when the students are working:

Thanks for reading.
See you soon.

Thursday 22 March 2018


Hello everybody!
Today we are going to talk about infographic. Probably, you as me, have never heard about this word. I'm going to explain you what it is. 
Infographics are a tool with which you can make complex information eye catching, shareable and easily digestible. They are a good resource to use in the classroom with our students, because they are very visual and the important thing is that no large amount of texts are necessary. That makes easier the learning process for children.
There are different webpages that you can use and you can find all of them online. In this case, I have used: https://www.canva.com
I highly recommend this webpage, is very intuitive. There are different templates depending of the topic. When you have chosen one of them, you can add the images and the text.
I made a infographic about the metamorphosis. As you can see is very visual and easy to understand.
I hope you like it.

Boots Infographic de Laura Carballo Mato

Wednesday 21 March 2018


Hey mates,

This new post is about how to create a useful resource for us as teachers and in our classroom: mindmaps.
A mindmap is an image of different elements, used as key point that provide specific information on a particular topic or the ramifications of several issues in relation to a central point.

In this case, I have created a mind map with Mindmeisterhttps://www.mindmeister.com/ which is very simple to use.
You can start by writing the title of your project and you will see different ramifications appearing. Depending on where you are interested in incorporating a new ramification, click on the correct place and it will be added.

The thing that I like the least is that if you want to add any image from your computer or from Internet you have to pay for that. There are some images for free, but not a lot.
The good part, is that you can add images from the web. Writing the key word, you will see different images related with the topic. The visual are very important, so don't forget to add some.

The mindmap is about a project that I would like to carry out in class. By looking the mindmap, teachers and even students will be able to understand what the project will be about and what we are going to do during the days that the project will take place. The project has a duration of two weeks and focuses on the study of local rivers, as well as awareness of the care and maintenance of them.

See you soon,
Thanks for reading.


Monday 19 March 2018

Learning the metamorphosis: comic.

Hello mates!
Today I'm going to talk about an amazing tool that I have discovered in my last class.
Have you ever used comics as a resource in your lessons? I'm sure that yes. Children love comics because they are very visual. Comics are a mix of images, dialogue and character expressions. Comics break down a story's plot and text into bite-sized chunks  and this is easier for our brain to process than reading a large amount of text on a page.

I have always used comics to encourage students to like reading and also I have always read comics when I was a student. But in that cases the comics where written in a traditional book. In this case, the comics are on a webpage and the more exciting thing is that you can create them!
There are different pages to make your own comics as for example:
- StoryboardThat: http://www.storyboardthat.com

To create my comic I have used StoryboardThat: http://www.storyboardthat.com
I like this one because is very easy to use, you don't need to be a proficient ICT to use it. The webpage is very intuitive. On the top you can find the different plots, characters, texts to write your story, etc. You have many option to create the story as personalised as you want.
StoryboardThat has  a problem, you just can create six cells as maximum for free. Otherwise you will have to pay. But even with this, I found it an amazing resource, with a lot of options to create fantastic stories.
Like with all the materials that teachers create, you should have an aim of your comic. In my case, I have created a comic about a school situation where the main character feels frustrated with a subject matter.
In the comic the students will be able to understand vocabulary related with some emotions and they will learn how to face a struggling situation that they can find in their school.

Below you can see my comic. I hope you like it and help you.
Thanks for reading.

Made with Storyboard That

Monday 5 March 2018


Hello friends,
Today I´m going to talk about how to make incredible presentations. If you are not a fan of teaching lessons with a traditional way, following the text books, and you bet for innovation and visual resources I have the best option for you: Genial.ly https://www.genial.ly/. You are going to love it.
This is not the only one, there are more as the ones bellow that are also great:
Google Slides: https://www.google.com/slides/about/
Prezi: https://prezi.com/
Powtoon: https://www.powtoon.com/home/
Biteslide: https://www.biteslide.com/

I have chosen Genial.ly but you can choose whatever you want. With these tools you can create amazing slideshows. Probably you already know Power Point, as it is the most famous, and it has the same function. The difference, in my opinion, is that with these ones you have more options, more predetermined slideshows, more effects, etc. Therefore it makes them much more attractive.

I believe that as teachers we must be in continuous learning and development. We must also adapt to the demands of today's world, so I think that incorporating this type of resources (ICT) in the classroom is very important. We must offer the students a wide rage of teaching resources and this is one good example.

I personally didn't know about Genial.ly. As I have mentioned, Power Point is the most famous and the one that I always use. For me it has been a great discovery to apply in my future lessons. Sometimes PowerPoint can become too serious for Primary graders, I think Genial.ly give us much more attractive things.

In this case, I have create a presentation about the seven continents. It is intended for the first grade of Primary Education for Social Science. They are going to learn important information about the continents and focusing also on two typical animals that belongs to each of them.

Hope you enjoy it.

Thanks for reading.

Monday 26 February 2018


Hello everyone, 
In this post I'm going to explain you how to classify, organise and search information in a effective way through a content curation tool. There are different tools which help doing this job, I recommend you to use the ones bellow:
With these tools you can make your owne resource bank. This is very helpful because when you are on the net you can find yourself a bit lost. There is a lot of information when you are on Internet and this can be confusing. For example, when you want to search something in Google, you will find different webpages with different purposes. Content curation help us to organise the different websites in which we are interested in. 
In my case, I have chosen Pearltrees: https://www.pearltrees.com
Using this tool is very interesting in a CLIL Lesson because you can have your favourite webpages organised and this makes your job much easier. Also, it can be helpful for other teachers and everybody could share with others interesting tools to find motivation and inspiration. You can also add new pages that you are finding and in this way make your resources bank much richer and more complete.

Bellow you can see my content curation.
I hope you like it and it helps you.



Hello everyone, This is the end of this adventure, but just for a while. I hope to come soon with new ideas to share with you. In thi...