Friday 27 April 2018


Hello everyone!
Were you excited about my last post? The Storyboard entry.
Here I bring you our amazing video clip, are you ready?

But before to watch the video, I'm going to tell how we created it, where and which program do we use to edit it.

As I told you, the first step was make the groups. I was so excited to work with my team and carry out this project that we called "Girl power". The components of the group are:

We had all the dialogues, the scenes and the dress up ready so last week we didn't go to the university. Instead we went to the Ministry of Education. There we could find the "Future Classroom Lab" which is a classroom with a Chroma where we could record our scenes.

All the groups had to record their project and we were the last group, that was the worst part because it was late and we were stressed if we didn't have enough time to record everything.

The main idea of our project is to see the importance of the women around the history. To make it more interesting we decided to make conversations between the women, and we group them according to the topic. Cleopatra with Joan of arc, Marie Curie and Gracie Hopper, Frida Kahlo with Marilyn and Coco Channel, etc.
With this video, the students could work with different subject such as: history, arts, Science and Values. In this time we consider very important to educate in values, and through this video students can work with equality between men and women.

Once that the video was recorded we started to edit it. This part was a bit difficult and to help us we needed a Youtube Tutorial.
To make our video, we used the program VideoPad. This is a program that need to be download in your computer and then you can add pictures in the Chroma, letter, audios, cut scenes... It took us some hour and it was hard but after that we were happy with the result.

In general this was a great experience. We work in a team and we share all the ideas, we have to discuss different points of view but we get on well. Also, I have learned a lot about video edition, and I will use it in my future.
From an educational point of view, I think this is a great resource to use in the classroom. Firstly because it is fun and you can work in groups, which is very important because students have to discuss, share ideas, listen others points of view... And secondly because it is a different way of the traditional books. The students can watch the videos and through them, work with different subjects and develop a lots of contents. Last but not least they can create their own project. When you have to participate actively in something, find information, develop the topic...learning is much more productive. And we can not forget the digital skills that they are working on.

The objectives of this video are:

  • To know the importance of women through history.
  • To know some important women in history such us: Cleopatra, Marie Curie, Frida Kahlo, Naomi Parker, Joan of Arc, Grace Hopper, Marilyn Monroe, Teresa de Calcuta, Coco Channel and Malala Yousafzai.
  • To know what this women accomplish and why this accomplishments were important.
  • To understand that women and men are equals.
  • To get to know the life of this women.

So once that everything is explained, now...are you ready to watch the video?


Hope you like it.

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Hello everyone, This is the end of this adventure, but just for a while. I hope to come soon with new ideas to share with you. In thi...