Tuesday 1 May 2018


Hello everyone,

This is the end of this adventure, but just for a while. I hope to come soon with new ideas to share with you.

In this post I want to tell you all what I have learned along this course.
When I started this jornal I was a disaster in the ICT world. I didn't even know how to create a blog. And look it now!
I think I have improved my digital competence a lot. It was hard in many moments and I get frustrated because I didn't know how to use a tool or I didn't know exactly what was the aim of the activity. Also the time to do the task sometimes ras against us.

The feedback in this subject was essential. Although sometimes it was a headache, without the corrections I could have never improved.

I have learnt how important is the privacy and that we should be sure that the images on the web are freely. 
Also I have use interesting tools such as Avachara, Canva and Genially (the one that I have used to create this last presentation)

I have reopen my twitter account and I have created a Youtube account. Both very useful to use in the classroom, to be updated, to share ideas with other, to upload information...

Also I have discovered AprendeIntef and all the online courses that we can do there.

And last, but not least, I have created a flip classroom. I have never heard before about it, and I think it is a great resource.

Nothing better than watch by yourself the video that I made explaining all what I did, with evidences and links to all the applications and websites that I have used.
To record the video I have used Screencast-o-matic which is an application that you have to download in your computer through which you can record your computer screen at the same time that you are talking. It it very easy to use.
However I had a lot of problems when I wanted to upload the video to Youtube, probably because of my computer or my Internet connection. So be sure that your Internet is working perfectly.

The video:

The genially presentation:


To conclude, I would like to say that this subject has been very worthwhile, everything we have done is very useful for our future and of course I will create a blog when I have my own class.
So thank you to my teacher María Jesús ( @mjgsm) for taught us.

See you soon.

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Hello everyone, This is the end of this adventure, but just for a while. I hope to come soon with new ideas to share with you. In thi...