Friday 27 April 2018


In this post I'm going to start to share with you probably the funniest project that we have done during this weeks in the ICT world. But before to watch the project (this have to wait until the next post), I have to tell you the things that we made before: the storyboard.

Firstly we had to make work groups, and that was the good part. Work with your classmates is really interesting, you can share points of view and learn from others at the time that you are working with friends, and if the reason is to create something creative, useful and funny, what else do we want?

The aim is to create a video explaining something to our students, but befor,we had to create a storyboard.

Storyboards are the blueprints of a digital story which consists of drawings and notes in frames. Each frame represents a scene in the video story. Some storyboards are basic, only consisting of empty frames. Other storyboards require more details such as having learners outline the music, characters, dialogue, sounds, narration, transitions, script, lighting, special effects and scenery.
And that is what we did with ours.

So once that the groups had been done, we plan our topic and we decided to make it about importants women in the history.

If you want to know all the details and information about our storyboard, check it out at the following Doc:

If you can not see well de Doc you can also click here

Also, we share in Twitter some pictures of when we were planning the project with the hashtag #ictclil_urjc

In this picture we just have decided the topic

As I told you, you will have to wait until my next post to watch the result.

See you soon.

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