Sunday 15 April 2018


Hello everyone!
I´m here again with a new interesting resource to use in your classroom: podcasts.
Probably, for you it is the first time that you heard this word, like me. So I will try to explain in a very easy way what I'm talking about.

Firstly, What is podcast? Podcast is an activity that students can do in the classroom, which improves various skills and competences such as: digital competence, linguistic, teamwork, cultural, etc.

Why use podcast in our lessons?  Through podcast you can work with any topic and any subject in a different an entertaining way.

Who can use podcast? Everyone. Not only the teacher can use it, also de students, individually, in pairs or groups. They will make their own learning while they are developing various skills.

What podcasts can we create? We can use this resource to create a school radio or a place where students can upload and share their information and interests.

Now that you know a little bit more about podcasts, it is the time to tell you my project and how I created it.

To share and create your podcast you will need to create an account in a online platform. To do this I have used SoundCloud. It is very easy to use. There you can find different playlists depending on what you want to listen, they are categorised. Also you can upload different images to personalise you profile.
Once that you have your account, you will need to start creating your own material. To do this, I have use a programme that I download for free called Audacity. It is a intuitive program to record your audio. You need to press start and record what you want to say, pause, and so on.

Time to explain you my project! It is about music. I love music, I listen to music at every time and I think students love it. I also think that music is a good resource to use in the classroom, to improve the language,  to create a fun or relaxed atmosphere and also music help students to feel more confidents, to understand better the world around them, to develop their emotions... That's why I think it is very important and normally in our schools music doesn't have a relevant place.
To explain the project, I have created a document in Google Docs.
Below you can see my project:

This is my channel:

This is my welcome:

And here you can find some songs to reproduce in classroom when the students are working:

Thanks for reading.
See you soon.

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Hello everyone, This is the end of this adventure, but just for a while. I hope to come soon with new ideas to share with you. In thi...