Thursday 22 March 2018


Hello everybody!
Today we are going to talk about infographic. Probably, you as me, have never heard about this word. I'm going to explain you what it is. 
Infographics are a tool with which you can make complex information eye catching, shareable and easily digestible. They are a good resource to use in the classroom with our students, because they are very visual and the important thing is that no large amount of texts are necessary. That makes easier the learning process for children.
There are different webpages that you can use and you can find all of them online. In this case, I have used:
I highly recommend this webpage, is very intuitive. There are different templates depending of the topic. When you have chosen one of them, you can add the images and the text.
I made a infographic about the metamorphosis. As you can see is very visual and easy to understand.
I hope you like it.

Boots Infographic de Laura Carballo Mato

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