Wednesday 21 March 2018


Hey mates,

This new post is about how to create a useful resource for us as teachers and in our classroom: mindmaps.
A mindmap is an image of different elements, used as key point that provide specific information on a particular topic or the ramifications of several issues in relation to a central point.

In this case, I have created a mind map with Mindmeister which is very simple to use.
You can start by writing the title of your project and you will see different ramifications appearing. Depending on where you are interested in incorporating a new ramification, click on the correct place and it will be added.

The thing that I like the least is that if you want to add any image from your computer or from Internet you have to pay for that. There are some images for free, but not a lot.
The good part, is that you can add images from the web. Writing the key word, you will see different images related with the topic. The visual are very important, so don't forget to add some.

The mindmap is about a project that I would like to carry out in class. By looking the mindmap, teachers and even students will be able to understand what the project will be about and what we are going to do during the days that the project will take place. The project has a duration of two weeks and focuses on the study of local rivers, as well as awareness of the care and maintenance of them.

See you soon,
Thanks for reading.


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