Thursday 22 March 2018


Hello everybody!
Today we are going to talk about infographic. Probably, you as me, have never heard about this word. I'm going to explain you what it is. 
Infographics are a tool with which you can make complex information eye catching, shareable and easily digestible. They are a good resource to use in the classroom with our students, because they are very visual and the important thing is that no large amount of texts are necessary. That makes easier the learning process for children.
There are different webpages that you can use and you can find all of them online. In this case, I have used:
I highly recommend this webpage, is very intuitive. There are different templates depending of the topic. When you have chosen one of them, you can add the images and the text.
I made a infographic about the metamorphosis. As you can see is very visual and easy to understand.
I hope you like it.

Boots Infographic de Laura Carballo Mato

Wednesday 21 March 2018


Hey mates,

This new post is about how to create a useful resource for us as teachers and in our classroom: mindmaps.
A mindmap is an image of different elements, used as key point that provide specific information on a particular topic or the ramifications of several issues in relation to a central point.

In this case, I have created a mind map with Mindmeister which is very simple to use.
You can start by writing the title of your project and you will see different ramifications appearing. Depending on where you are interested in incorporating a new ramification, click on the correct place and it will be added.

The thing that I like the least is that if you want to add any image from your computer or from Internet you have to pay for that. There are some images for free, but not a lot.
The good part, is that you can add images from the web. Writing the key word, you will see different images related with the topic. The visual are very important, so don't forget to add some.

The mindmap is about a project that I would like to carry out in class. By looking the mindmap, teachers and even students will be able to understand what the project will be about and what we are going to do during the days that the project will take place. The project has a duration of two weeks and focuses on the study of local rivers, as well as awareness of the care and maintenance of them.

See you soon,
Thanks for reading.


Monday 19 March 2018

Learning the metamorphosis: comic.

Hello mates!
Today I'm going to talk about an amazing tool that I have discovered in my last class.
Have you ever used comics as a resource in your lessons? I'm sure that yes. Children love comics because they are very visual. Comics are a mix of images, dialogue and character expressions. Comics break down a story's plot and text into bite-sized chunks  and this is easier for our brain to process than reading a large amount of text on a page.

I have always used comics to encourage students to like reading and also I have always read comics when I was a student. But in that cases the comics where written in a traditional book. In this case, the comics are on a webpage and the more exciting thing is that you can create them!
There are different pages to make your own comics as for example:
- StoryboardThat:

To create my comic I have used StoryboardThat:
I like this one because is very easy to use, you don't need to be a proficient ICT to use it. The webpage is very intuitive. On the top you can find the different plots, characters, texts to write your story, etc. You have many option to create the story as personalised as you want.
StoryboardThat has  a problem, you just can create six cells as maximum for free. Otherwise you will have to pay. But even with this, I found it an amazing resource, with a lot of options to create fantastic stories.
Like with all the materials that teachers create, you should have an aim of your comic. In my case, I have created a comic about a school situation where the main character feels frustrated with a subject matter.
In the comic the students will be able to understand vocabulary related with some emotions and they will learn how to face a struggling situation that they can find in their school.

Below you can see my comic. I hope you like it and help you.
Thanks for reading.

Made with Storyboard That

Monday 5 March 2018


Hello friends,
Today I´m going to talk about how to make incredible presentations. If you are not a fan of teaching lessons with a traditional way, following the text books, and you bet for innovation and visual resources I have the best option for you: You are going to love it.
This is not the only one, there are more as the ones bellow that are also great:
Google Slides:

I have chosen but you can choose whatever you want. With these tools you can create amazing slideshows. Probably you already know Power Point, as it is the most famous, and it has the same function. The difference, in my opinion, is that with these ones you have more options, more predetermined slideshows, more effects, etc. Therefore it makes them much more attractive.

I believe that as teachers we must be in continuous learning and development. We must also adapt to the demands of today's world, so I think that incorporating this type of resources (ICT) in the classroom is very important. We must offer the students a wide rage of teaching resources and this is one good example.

I personally didn't know about As I have mentioned, Power Point is the most famous and the one that I always use. For me it has been a great discovery to apply in my future lessons. Sometimes PowerPoint can become too serious for Primary graders, I think give us much more attractive things.

In this case, I have create a presentation about the seven continents. It is intended for the first grade of Primary Education for Social Science. They are going to learn important information about the continents and focusing also on two typical animals that belongs to each of them.

Hope you enjoy it.

Thanks for reading.


Hello everyone, This is the end of this adventure, but just for a while. I hope to come soon with new ideas to share with you. In thi...