Tuesday 6 February 2018


"Hello everyone. This is me, as you can see in my video I'm studying to become an expert in ICT. In my school I expect to learn many things that I would like to share with you"

My learning goals are:
-   To introduce my avatar
-   To share with others what the avatars are, and how we can use them in the classroom.
-   To let others know different websites to create an avatar.
-   To reflect if they are useful or not.
-   To improve my digital competence.

Create an avatar is an interesting resource to use in the classroom, not only as something creative and fun that students can do, but also to develop their digital skills.
To create my avatar I have used the website: avachara.com. I started with different websites, as there is a wide range of possibilities, but as I wanted to make my avatar able of moving and talking, and I didn't find any website (at least for free) I had to use different programs to get the result that I wanted. As I said, I created my avatar with avachara: (https://avachara.com/ .)Then I used the programme atubecatcher (https://atube-catcher.softonic.com/) to record the screen while I was changing the different options of mouths to give the impression that my avatar is able to speak. Finally I used adobe premier (program) to make the video, add different photos and, of course, to also add the voice.
I think this process is not very easy for students, so maybe they could just make the avatar online, with this website or any other.
The avatars are very interesting because through them we can tell or explain any topic in a different way. We can create a historical character that explains to our students events and facts of the past, as well as explore future situations or even make the students develop their creativity by creating imaginary avatars with imaginary lives.
It is very important that we have to take into account the age of the students and to adapt it to the level of difficulty.

Doing this activity I have learnt a lot about avatars. Before, I only knew them by the application "snapchat", which I used it just as something fun with friends. I have never before contemplated the possibility of using avatars as a resource in the classroom where students can not only learn about ICT, but also they can learn different contents. 
By doing the avatar I learned how to use different websites to create the avatars, as well as the programs I mentioned previously. I think it was very interesting.

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Hello everyone, This is the end of this adventure, but just for a while. I hope to come soon with new ideas to share with you. In thi...